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Taking Evidence-Informed Decision Making To The African Grassroots – ACED

Apr 11, 2022

About the Client

Industry: Non-governmental Organisation
Location: Benin, Africa
Size: Unkown


About the Client’s Users

Target geography: North Africa
Target industries: Grassroot NGOs in the food security and nutrition sectors


The Ask: Conversion of educational manual into compelling e-learning

Our client was ACED, an NGO based in Benin (West Africa). They sought Clearly Blue/Bodh’s help to convert their research findings on evidence informed decision making into an engaging course. The course would empower and enable decision makers and practitioners in the food security and nutrition sectors to make their process more efficient, effective and result oriented.


How we rose to the challenge: Storytelling ahoy!

The USAID-funded project aimed to convert research information gathered by ACED and an international think tank called 3ie into a course that could trigger local action to reduce food and nutrition insecurity, poverty and hunger in vulnerable communities. Bodh learning designers collaborated with the client to design a course that was an unique and engaging combination of video and textual content.

Bodh transformed dry, academic content from the client’s manual into content that was relatable and retainable through storytelling. The course was designed with a storyline and characters whom grassroot NGO workers could relate to. The content was embedded with contextual examples that helped learners relate abstract concepts to real-world situations.


The Impact: A delighted client

The Bodh team successfully delivered a one hour 50 minutes course on evidence driven decision making. The course was translated into French.


Client Testimonial

Speaking about our services, our client SPOC Mr. Kisito Gandji said that “They clearly understood the spirit and idea we wanted to convey from the beginning.”

Here is Mr. Gandhi’s recommendation for those considering Bodh’s services: “Take into consideration the level of availability and involvement that Clearly Blue will have. Additionally, leverage their suggestions during your collaboration with them. During our collaboration, they’ve provided us with a lot of ideas to improve different aspects of the guide.”

Read the client’s detailed review of our services here. ]


Have a classroom workshop or manual that you want to convert to e-learning? Contact Bodh for a free consultation and discovery meeting to assess how it can be done.

About BODH

At BODH, we specialize in building engaging courses that move the needle in learning. We specialize in learning for adults – whether professionals seeking to up their winning quotient at work, teams looking to reskill or upskill or those needing to reboot their careers. Bodh is the L&D Leader’s one-stop shop for learning that works. Bodh is the learning group at Clearly Blue Digital.

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